Workshops & Events

Workshops and events in relation to Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies:

(For further information and for registration, please contact the teachers/the organizers through the links.)

July 12 from 6 -9 pm Live-Online &

July 13 of 2024 from 11 am - 5 pm at Tanzfabrik Berlin (Germany)

Workshop Exploring the Inner with Eva Blaschke based on the body work of

Irmgard Bartenieff and the Space Harmony & Dynamics of Rudolf Laban

September 19 - 21 of 2024 (save the date)

(In-)Visibilities – Moderner Tanz Re-Visited Symposium of the Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung e.V. (gtf) in Essen with a.o. a workshop of Antja Kennedy

September 24 - December 12 of 2024

Weekly Laban-Bartenieff based Classes with Antja Kennedy

November 1st of 2024 from 7 - 9 pm (CET)

Free, interactive Webinar-Miniworkshop Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies as a tool for research, pedagogical and artistic work in dance with Antja Kennedy on Zoom. You will receive the link upon registration

November 15 - 17 of 2024

EUROLAB Conference 2024 under the title "LBMS and Pedagogy - Possibilities of a movement-based learning" in Bad Oldesloe (near Hamburg, Germany)